Tuesday, December 15, 2009


.....Baby Biederman #2!!!!!! We are excited to announce that we are pregnant with baby #2!!
We have been keeping it quiet for over a month now, just so that we could wait until yesterday, when we were able to have our first ultrasound and see the heart beating strongly! 2 arms, 2 legs, and strong beating heart! A blessing from the Lord, for sure.
Our due date, which was confirmed yesterday, is June 30, 2010. If you recall, Madelyn's 3rd birthday will be June 27th!! Talk about close birthdays!!
Anyway, here is the best picture of our little one's profile. We love you already, Baby Bied!
We find out if Maddie will have a baby brother or baby sister on February 11.
We'll be excited to pass the news along....
For now, pray things progress smoothly!!
Praise Jesus!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

It's official....

...I think this has been THE longest span of not blogging-over 3 months! But, I'm back. I have a new camera...and a new energy to update you all on our day-to-day living! As usual, our life has been busy! I keep waiting for a season of time where we don't travel or our home isn't filled with visitors! But...truth be told-I kind of like it! I am way too social to say 'no' to anything...and most of the time that is just fine by me. I enjoy our busy life, most of the time, for now at least!!

For starters; we moved houses! We are still renting but we are now in a neighborhood that we've always loved, we live in an old (lots of character) home, with a driveway, and a yard, and a wood-burning fireplace. We LOVE it!!

We've traveled across the country, Maddie and I went to NJ and PA to visit the Martin side, I went to CO for a wedding, Kurt went to FL for a Martin guys golf trip, I went to Hawaii for a Biederman ladies trip. My cousins visited in August, Kurt's parents have been a couple of times, one of Kurt's brothers and his wife have visited and plan to move here in the new year!

Kurt is loving his job! He has been officially working since September 1st as an associate under a man he had already been doing contract work for. They do estate planning and the business is growing already. It's very exciting! A direct answer to prayer!

Madelyn is doing great! She will be 2 1/2 next month and I can't believe it! We have a great time together. We try to get out of the house as much as possible, to different parks, playdates, bible studies, etc. And sometimes we're hermits and love playing around the house, having dance parties, reading, painting, playing with baby dolls. She also loves helping me clean, do laundry, and bake. It's pretty funny! Sometimes I try to hold her like a little baby and rock her, as a joke of course, but I'd be lying if I said I haven't gotten choked up a time or two in the process as my little baby is SO grown up these days!!

I knew the time would fly...but somehow you just can't believe it when it does........

Here are just some of my favorite recent pictures of Madelyn Grace;

Up close and personal with those big brown eyes...

Lots of smiles these days!
She's got this crooked little grin...

With her best bud, Mia, and Mia's new little sister, Clara on Halloween.
Two pink tutus and a pumpkin!
Our fun fam ;)

The new home!
We were so excited to actually have leaves to rake this year!

Friday, August 7, 2009

some recent pics...

I'm so happy to be able to post a few recent pictures.  My friend, Lindsey sent me just a few from the last few weeks.  I need to bring a memory stick over to get ALL of the photos...but I couldn't wait to post just a few fun ones...
We have had a full and very fun summer so far!  Madelyn is full of energy and we're keeping busy.  It has been VERY hot here in Seattle...like record breaking 103 degrees HOT.  Crazy, I know.  Who would have thought it could get that hot in Seattle!

Here Maddie is gabbing on her cell phone...a true mimic of her mommy...perhaps she's subtly trying to tell me something...oops.
The camping trip that my camera disappeared on :(  BOO!
Buds for life!

On the HOT HOT 10o degree days here in Seattle, Lindsey, me, and the girls escaped to her parents house in Bellingham.  They live on a lake (house behind me!) and it was wonderful to swim the days away and boat around to stay cool :)  Thanks for having us Frank and Sandee!  Madelyn has truly become a water baby.  Between our camping trip and this lake trip...Maddie has NO fear of the water (a little frightening!) and wants to swim in the deep end with her life vest and "crabby" tube...pretty cute!  Being the swimmer that I am...I couldn't be more excited!!
You would think these two were sisters for how often they see each other!  They interact like sisters too...love one minute, antagonize the next...two mischievious little girls! 

At a nearby park, here in Seattle.

I just LOVE this crooked little smile picture!

Just love them eyes!!

Thursday, July 23, 2009


Soooo....we had an awesome weekend this past week, camping out at Lake Chelan in Central WA.  It was beautiful weather, the lake was clear and refreshing, Maddie slept great, we were accompanied by our great friends, the Sharps, all in all it was a great three days...UNFORTUNATELY........my camera was stolen (or fallen out) out of my beach bag at the lake!!! AHHH....I am so frustrated, but I have no one to blame but myself for not keeping it better protected.  Sometimes I think I trust TOO much!  man oh man.  I had taken some great shots so far of the weekend, but now I have nothing to show for it!  My friend, Lindsey, will give me all of her pictures from the weekend and hopefully I can post some of those soon....but it may be a bit of a wait for any others...while we figure out what to do about a camera!  

You must say...I was doing a little better about updating the blog regularly, and than this has to go and happen!!

Have a great summer!  And stay posted.......

Sunday, June 28, 2009

We have a two-year-old!!!

It is so hard to believe that I am now the mother of a two-year-old!  Where does the time go!??   Around midnight early Saturday morning (her birthday!), Madelyn woke up with a little start and a cry out.  I went into the room, which I'm sure was really more for myself, and I took her out of her crib and sat with her in the rocker.  She laid her head on my shoulder, and nestled back to sleep, but her legs were all cramped up and crowded on my lap.  She was too big to hold like that...but I sat there and tears rolled down my cheek...both happy and sad.  I don't deal well with change, I never have, and my little girl is changing SO fast!! I don't like that.  She runs everywhere, walking isn't an option anymore, she wears big girl panties, and she is talking more everyday, putting 2 and 3 word sentences together, her language is changing, "-ai" isn't "yes" anymore, and "be-be" isn't "poo-poo" anymore.  She's learning to say things more clearly and Kurt and I are finding ourselves sad to see the silly little things go and change in front of our eyes.  
But there are also tears of happiness because she really lights up my life in a way that is difficult to explain to anyone that isn't a parent yet.  

On Friday, I planned a fun Play-Doh Birthday Party for Madelyn and her friends.  The teacher in me truly came out with the decorating and set-up stations ;)  I had so much fun doing it though.  Perhaps I miss teaching more than I think I do...
My dad and stepmom, Cheri, came to visit to celebrate Madelyn's birthday as well.  It was fun to have the extra hands at the birthday party and just in general have a great weekend with them.  
Thanks for coming out :)

Madelyn...lookin' pretty dang cute!!
Maddie, enjoying books with Grandpa G and CC, at her new table and chairs!!
Morning of the party...
"Is all this for me?!?"
I promise the cans did NOT smell like play-doh anymore!!
dyed daisies...who knew!!??
A kid-friendly spread!
"ready for my guests to arrive..."
"nice to see you, Mia, you look pretty!"
A great friend, Anya, and her little Kylia!
"how cool...macaroni and cheese in a play-doh can!"
silly girl :)
Kylia and Lachlan out at the makeshift water table station!
Time for cake...

Experienced two-year-olds, Mia and Kylia, helped Maddie blow out the candles :)
Sweet Jonah enjoying the cake!

Mommies enjoying the couch :)
My friend Michele on the right had her second boy the night of the party!!! Congratulations and welcome to baby Silas!!

I can't really explain to you how much Madelyn LOVES babies!!!  This is little Nina and Maddie just loves being able to hold her!!!

Nina's mommy and big sister, Brittany and Lucy!
Maddie loved having her G and CC at the party!
Time for presents!! :)
A true sense of urgency ;)

Many jellybeans were handed out to accomplish this picture!! from left to right, Micah, Mia, Lucy, Maddie, Jonah, Kylia, and Lachlan!

Happy Birthday Madelyn!!

Monday, June 22, 2009

A Full Day of Fun with Friends :)

Last Thursday Madelyn and I had a busy busy day!!  We started out the day with some coffee (of course!!) at Starbucks with our friends, Lindsey and Mia, Steph and Micah, and Justyn and Finley...that was for us mommas...then we went off to the Seattle Gymnastics Academy!  
This was the second time that the four of us ventured there with our little ones and this time I remember to bring my camera, but I don't know if it was because they were all moving so fast or if my camera was just not on the right setting, but all of the pictures were a little out of focus!  Oh well...fun times anyway...
Stuck in the pit!
Maddie, Micah, and Mia!
Maddie LOVES to swing on just about anything and say "monkey...ohh-ohh-ahh-ahh"
(We bought her Curious George the Movie for her birthday ;) )
Micah, showing off his skills!
The youngest in the crowd, Finley, scaling the foam wall!
Madelyn loved running on this long trampoline!  
She couldn't stop smiling!
Sharing snacks outside after lots of activity...
Micah is quite the ladies' man ;)
Mia doesn't look so sure...
cute little friends!
After the Gymnastics Academy, Madelyn napped over at Mia's house and then when the girls woke up, our friends Anya and Kylia were over to play :)

Oh the joy that baby dolls bring!!
We really didn't have the girls watching videos the whole time!  We went to the park, but this is the ONLY shot where they are all sitting still and in the same area ;)

After Anya and Kylia left, I stayed over at the Sharps and watched both girls while Lindsey and Trevor went out on a date.  After dinner and bathtime...it was book time!  
I love this picture!!!