Sunday, June 28, 2009

We have a two-year-old!!!

It is so hard to believe that I am now the mother of a two-year-old!  Where does the time go!??   Around midnight early Saturday morning (her birthday!), Madelyn woke up with a little start and a cry out.  I went into the room, which I'm sure was really more for myself, and I took her out of her crib and sat with her in the rocker.  She laid her head on my shoulder, and nestled back to sleep, but her legs were all cramped up and crowded on my lap.  She was too big to hold like that...but I sat there and tears rolled down my cheek...both happy and sad.  I don't deal well with change, I never have, and my little girl is changing SO fast!! I don't like that.  She runs everywhere, walking isn't an option anymore, she wears big girl panties, and she is talking more everyday, putting 2 and 3 word sentences together, her language is changing, "-ai" isn't "yes" anymore, and "be-be" isn't "poo-poo" anymore.  She's learning to say things more clearly and Kurt and I are finding ourselves sad to see the silly little things go and change in front of our eyes.  
But there are also tears of happiness because she really lights up my life in a way that is difficult to explain to anyone that isn't a parent yet.  

On Friday, I planned a fun Play-Doh Birthday Party for Madelyn and her friends.  The teacher in me truly came out with the decorating and set-up stations ;)  I had so much fun doing it though.  Perhaps I miss teaching more than I think I do...
My dad and stepmom, Cheri, came to visit to celebrate Madelyn's birthday as well.  It was fun to have the extra hands at the birthday party and just in general have a great weekend with them.  
Thanks for coming out :)

Madelyn...lookin' pretty dang cute!!
Maddie, enjoying books with Grandpa G and CC, at her new table and chairs!!
Morning of the party...
"Is all this for me?!?"
I promise the cans did NOT smell like play-doh anymore!!
dyed daisies...who knew!!??
A kid-friendly spread!
"ready for my guests to arrive..."
"nice to see you, Mia, you look pretty!"
A great friend, Anya, and her little Kylia!
"how cool...macaroni and cheese in a play-doh can!"
silly girl :)
Kylia and Lachlan out at the makeshift water table station!
Time for cake...

Experienced two-year-olds, Mia and Kylia, helped Maddie blow out the candles :)
Sweet Jonah enjoying the cake!

Mommies enjoying the couch :)
My friend Michele on the right had her second boy the night of the party!!! Congratulations and welcome to baby Silas!!

I can't really explain to you how much Madelyn LOVES babies!!!  This is little Nina and Maddie just loves being able to hold her!!!

Nina's mommy and big sister, Brittany and Lucy!
Maddie loved having her G and CC at the party!
Time for presents!! :)
A true sense of urgency ;)

Many jellybeans were handed out to accomplish this picture!! from left to right, Micah, Mia, Lucy, Maddie, Jonah, Kylia, and Lachlan!

Happy Birthday Madelyn!!

Monday, June 22, 2009

A Full Day of Fun with Friends :)

Last Thursday Madelyn and I had a busy busy day!!  We started out the day with some coffee (of course!!) at Starbucks with our friends, Lindsey and Mia, Steph and Micah, and Justyn and Finley...that was for us mommas...then we went off to the Seattle Gymnastics Academy!  
This was the second time that the four of us ventured there with our little ones and this time I remember to bring my camera, but I don't know if it was because they were all moving so fast or if my camera was just not on the right setting, but all of the pictures were a little out of focus!  Oh times anyway...
Stuck in the pit!
Maddie, Micah, and Mia!
Maddie LOVES to swing on just about anything and say "monkey...ohh-ohh-ahh-ahh"
(We bought her Curious George the Movie for her birthday ;) )
Micah, showing off his skills!
The youngest in the crowd, Finley, scaling the foam wall!
Madelyn loved running on this long trampoline!  
She couldn't stop smiling!
Sharing snacks outside after lots of activity...
Micah is quite the ladies' man ;)
Mia doesn't look so sure...
cute little friends!
After the Gymnastics Academy, Madelyn napped over at Mia's house and then when the girls woke up, our friends Anya and Kylia were over to play :)

Oh the joy that baby dolls bring!!
We really didn't have the girls watching videos the whole time!  We went to the park, but this is the ONLY shot where they are all sitting still and in the same area ;)

After Anya and Kylia left, I stayed over at the Sharps and watched both girls while Lindsey and Trevor went out on a date.  After dinner and was book time!  
I love this picture!!!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

downright HOT!

We have had an incredibly hot end of May/beginning of June here in Seattle!  It has been sunny and hovering around 85 degrees almost every day!  Madelyn and I have been taking advantage of the early summer weather by visiting many of the local water parks and even the beach!

It's rare these days that I can even get Maddie to look at the camera...much less capture a gleeful smile like this one!!

I just LOVE this shot :)
I love the chubby little legs knocking at the knees...