Thursday, January 3, 2008

Madelyn's First Christmas!

Christmas 2007 was spent up in Alaska with Kurt's family.  We had a great time visiting with everyone and celebrating Christ's birth and Maddie's first Christmas!

What a wonderful Christmas gift...a baby in a box!!

What a face :)
Kurt and his brother, Kevin, went for hike one afternoon...yes it was this cold when we were there...have to enjoy the Alaskan winter!  Having a white Christmas was not a problem, it was beautiful!

Just hanging out at Papa and Mimi's with the fam...
Yay for cousins!!

"must put things in mouth, must put things in mouth..."

Biederman tradition is that on Christmas Eve we go to the Christmas Eve service at church and then to Grandma's place for dinner, which of course includes her amazing deviled eggs!!  We then exchange our  gifts with her.  
Maddie and Daddy hangin' after dinner...
"So many things to suck on...maybe I'll get some teeth soon!!" 
Kyle's wife, Susanna, and their youngest girl Sierra

Kurt, with his brothers Kevin and Kyle

Picture time with a 4 year old, 2 year old, and 6 month old doesn't exactly go "1, 2, 3, say cheese..." haha, maybe in a few more years!
Maddie wasn't exactly thrilled with pictures due to her sniffly nose and tired eyes :(
"Presents for me??" :)

Snuggletime with Mimi...


Dana Carey said...

Jesse wants to know if you'll be shipping Maddie down to Florida :) Cute pictures...glad to see the updates!

Unknown said...

Dear Michelle & Kurt,
Each picture is so wonderful...
your Maddie is truly a gift
from Heaven! Happy New Year!!!
Love, Peace & Joy,
Aunt Yvonne & Uncle Russ

grandpa g and cc said...

yay Maddie! pictures :)...we have such wonderful memories of your visit for Thanksgiving and Grandpa G's big Birthday!! The Christmas Pictures are wonderful too, it looks like you had a great time with your Daddy's family!! The "baby in a box" are the best!!! We can hardly wait to see you in less than two weeks!!! Bring your bathing suit!!!!!!
Lots of love little Maddie!!! CC XXXXXXXOOOOOOO