Friday, October 31, 2008

My little B...

Last weekend, we went on a short ferry ride to a nearby island called, Whidbey Island, with our friends, Adam and Kyla.  Of course I don't have ANY pictures of the adults!! But here are some classics of Madelyn :)
I love this profile shot of Maddie as she looks out the window of the ferry for the birds following close by...  (She loves birds these days!!)
The beautiful view...
My little sweets...
Here are just some random shots of Maddie showing off her pumpkin sweater from G and CC as she wanders around...

Big cheese!
A recent favorite of Madelyn's is being lifted onto the big couch to enjoy her afternoon snack :)
Apparently, sooo exciting!!
This morning, I put on Madelyn's costume and went nowhere.  Unfortunately, it is a very rainy day here in Seattle and most festivities are outside.  So we opted for a photo shoot in the house...of course it doesn't matter to Madelyn...she just couldn't wait to get her hood off!

Hello my little B! 
(I choose to have Maddie be a Bee in honor of my teaching Mrs. B-with my room decorated with buzzing bees!)
I think she kind of looks like a chub-chub ;)
(a chub-chub is something I used to do as a kid with Doug and Katelyn...oh the memories!)
Maddie's friend Lachlan stopped by to say hello...
....and the photo-op is done!
sweet little buzzer...


Ben and Erin said...

Cute pics! :) I love the bee costume and Madelyn's cute fall sweater. Happy Halloween!

Billy, Ann and Baby Clark said...

i love bees! she is just precious!!

The Martin Family said...

So adorable!! I wish we lived closer so Maddie and my boys could all wear their matching sweaters together!! Love seeing Little Miss B all decked out for halloween. She would have fit right in at our party since we had 4 bees there!!! Love you all...

grandpa g and cc said...

Oh little Miss Maddie, you are an adorable BEE!!! We wish we could have been with won't be too long! We are counting the days!!!! Love you Bunches sweetie!! Grandpa G and CC

MP said...

I love the new layout! I love her pumpkin sweater. It is really cute. And, of course her in her costume is just so adorable. Looks like she enjoyed it! :)

Finley said...

She's so grown up! I love the picture of her and Lachlan climbing off the chair. Maddie's got cute little legs.