Thursday, March 19, 2009

I know I know...

I realize that I may have lost many followers of my blog due to my inconsistent posts...buut, if you stick with me, I promise you'll still see pictures of Madelyn and our life in Seattle, you'll just have to be patient, because, try as I may, I just can't do it!  I can't post really really frequently.  Life just gets too busy!  Soo...that said, I thought I would post one picture as a summary of what life has been here for the Biedermans.  Pretty Crazy!

Madelyn is very busy these days, both inside and out.  We try to go out on sunny days and make the best of rainy days.  We've been to Florida once, Alaska twice, and had a visitor for a week (loved having you Katelyn!), celebrated Madelyn's dear friend, Mia's 2nd birthday, we are contemplating moving out of our place, Kurt may start his own business, I'm starting training for a half marathon, and Madelyn is starting to show signs of the infamous 2's!!  God is great.  We are feeling His mercies new everyday!


john, kimberly, ila, will and ruby lou said...

We're still faithful followers! I was happy to see your blog at the top of my list with the most recent post! : )

What a fun picture! I'm sure the 2's will be an exciting year!

Sounds like life is good, and we're happy that it is!

Love you,

Finley said...

Oh my goodness - she's such a multi-tasker!!

I'm so excited to see a new post. Let's get together soon!


Billy, Ann and Baby Clark said...

oh my goodness! that is just tooo cute! i love that picture! those are the best! haha!! lots of love and miss you! xox- Ann

grandpa g and cc said...

"Tom Ford's" look great no matter how they are worn Maddie my dear!!! kisses and hugs from CC :)