Thursday, April 2, 2009

A little bit of this...A little bit of that...

Madelyn is really becoming my buddy these days!  She makes me laugh and loves to converse with me!  Not that I often know what she is saying, but she definitely gets her point across and we have a blast together all day!  Kurt and I feel tremendously blessed with having Maddie in our lives!  As I sit here and type, I can hear her over the monitor sweetly talking and singing to her babydoll in her crib after her nap.  I sure do love her!
One of my favorite places in Seattle is University Village, which houses most of my favorite stores ;)  It is quickly becoming Madelyn's favorite too :)  Not because of the stores, but the wonderful little play area right in the middle of it all!!  What a pair we are!  
Not very often do we find Madelyn without a snack in tow!  For such a tiny little peanut, she sure does have an appetite!  
Maddie's sweet little friend Finley!
Kurt's parents came to town this past weekend and were able to spend some great quality time with Madelyn...
Papa reading to Maddie...

It was Kurt's 27th birthday last week and his parents treated us to a wonderful dinner at the beautiful Salish Lodge!  Thanks so much!
us :)

And....drumroll please..................................................................................................................................
Madelyn got a potty!!  I realize it is a bit early to really start training her, but a friend has a little potty and every time we visit, Madelyn just loves sitting on it.  Very fascinated with it!  So, I wanted to get one just to introduce her to it...
Imagine this face with lots of squeals of excitement...I think she liked it :)
"Let me just see here..."

Note the tongue out of her mouth....concentrating very hard!
"Mom...I don't feel it right that you are snapping away!!"

What a big girl!  And...I'm happy to report that she actually has gone pee-pee in the potty twice since first getting it!!  Now I won't keep you abreast of all of Madelyn's potty-training stories, but I was just so proud, I had to mention the first time ;)


Finley said...

I love the potty girl pictures! She looks SO thrilled. When I was young, my mom took me shopping for pretty undies and told me that as soon as I could potty train myself, I could wear the new undies.

She swears that it happened in a day. Apparently I was really motivated by them... maybe Maddie would be too!?

Billy, Ann and Baby Clark said...

Oh my goodness! I LOVED LOVED LOVED seeing these precious pictures! First of all, you are BEAUTIFUL Mich!! I miss you soo much! I actaully had tears looking at these b/c I miss you and your life! Secondly, I had tears because I was laughing so hysterical at the potty pictures! That is way to cute and way to go Maddie on pottying in the potty! :) YAAHOO!!!

Lots of love, Lets talk soon- Ann

john, kimberly, ila, will and ruby lou said...

How exciting! I bet you never thought going potty could be such a joyous occasion! Too funny!

Your little girl is so precious. I wish I could squeeze her! Maybe someday we can make it happen *crossing fingers*

You are so right about our love for our kids being a taste of how God feels about us. And to think he loves us that much times (some crazy big number). Amazing, and definitely worth a sunday school lesson. : )

tjessenburg said...

Hello you 3, We sure enjoyed seeing your Dad and Cheri,travelling to Florida for Open Doors Ministry, Michelle-and it made me miss YOU so went to your blog and was SO excited to see you all and even Kurt's parents celebrating Kurt's birthday...wish I could have made him a brownie cookie cake- HA! Seriously, Madelyn is beautiful just like her mommy...we love and pray for you all. Julie Essenburg

Unknown said...

Come si chiama,la bimba,sn belle le foto